The Parish of The Holy Family

Community & Charities Team


The Community & Charities Team has an engagement and fund-raising mission. We organise and support activities and events, both to improve Parish and community engagement and to raise funds for our selected causes and charities.   We are always pleased to welcome potential new Team members who share our passion for our mission.

The Charities Team has members from across the Parish who meet once every two months. In our meetings we plan our Parish and community engagement activities, select the causes and charities we wish to support, and agree the means by which we will raise the necessary funds.

Multiethnic People with Startup Business Talking in a Cafe


We have many Parish engagement and charitable fund-raising events scheduled that we’d love to have you support and attend.   Details of the events and how to sign up can be found on this site, and on our allocated Outreach noticeboards (in the Narthex at OLOL and in the Parish Rooms entrance at Holy Name) and will also be advertised in the weekly newsletter – they include quiz nights, race nights, craft fairs, etc.

Please put these event dates in your diaries and do try to come along and support!

Connect with each other
St Paddys day
100 Club

100 CLUB

The 100 Club is a simple draw that takes place in the Parish at the end of each month. You can become a member by buying one or more numbers at £24 each per annum (equivalent to £2 per month per number). The 100 Club year runs from 1st January to 31st December. New members can join at any time, just paying pro rata. Payment must be received by the 20th of the month. Membership then continues on an annual basis until you notify otherwise in writing of your intention not to renew
your membership.

You can have as many numbers as you like and you are also encouraged to get family and friends to join - the more members we have, the bigger the prize fund and the more funds for our charitable causes. 50% of the membership fees go towards the ‘100’ Club prize fund, and 50% goes to charitable causes supported by the Parish Community & Charities Group.


This graphic shows the breakdown of the funds we raised in our Parish last year - almost £35,000 is an incredible tribute to the generosity of the Holy Family Parish!   Those funds came from a number of sources - and, in turn, they were donated to a number of very worthy causes.  These included Auntie Agnes, Bethlehem School of Joy, Bone Cancer Research Trust, CAFOD, Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH), Mary’s Meals, Motor Neurone Disease Association, Pastor Mick’s Church on the Street and SPEAR.

We have many Parish engagement and charitable fund-raising events scheduled that we’d love to have you support and attend.   The list of events can be found on our allocated Outreach noticeboards (in the Narthax at OLOL and in the Parish Rooms entrance at Holy Name) and will also be advertised in the weekly newsletter, as well as on this site – they include quiz nights, race nights, Craft Fairs, etc.  Please put these event dates in your diaries!

Parish Charity Events Image 2023
KCAH bags


"Many people will travel over 4,000 miles to reach safety in the UK, facing dangerous journeys and vulnerable to imprisonment and abuse. I'm helping the Cardinal Hume Centre support the many vulnerable people who have made similar journeys.

I will walk 4,000 miles around the coastline of England and Wales, including the Isle of Wight and Anglesey. I will not use ferries to “cut-off” estuaries, instead walking up rivers until I can cross them on foot.

At 71, I am a keen walker, though the only long-distance walk I had done so far is Hadrian’s Wall, which at around 100 miles is about 2.5% of what I'm attempting now!"

.........these were Brendan's words at the beginning of 2023 and we are very pleased to announced that on 13th May he completed his journey  Brendan began his walk in February 2023.  You can follow his amazing journey on Facebook


Contact Details

General enquiries:

Our Lady of Lourdes
Hampton Court Way
Thames Ditton

Church of the Holy Name
42 Arbrook Lane
KT10 9EE

Parish Priest
Fr Sebastian Paul

Connect with us