The Catholic Parish of
Esher & Thames Ditton



The Catholic Parish of Esher and Thames Ditton offers a wide range of activities, liturgy, and youth groups to support the young people in our community.    Please read below to see what we offer.  For further details about any of these activities, please contact Pamela Thompson, our Youth Worker at  Additionally you can sign up to receive our weekly newsletter, which provides updates and dates for these activities.


Pamela Thompson
Parish Youth Worker



Music and Play Group
Fridays 9-10.00am at Our Lady of Lourdes 

Come along on Friday mornings for a coffee and a chat with other parents after the school run.  Music, singing, crafts and play for the little ones and tea and coffee for parents.   


Junior Church (aimed at pre-school and primary school aged children)
Sundays, during the 9am Mass at Holy Name
Sundays, during the 11am Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes 

Children have an opportunity to join their friends in Junior Church during the beginning of the Mass and explore the Gospel together in a more relaxed environment.   They are games, songs and crafts during their lesson that help them understand the liturgy of the day.   Children join their families back in Mass after the Gospel and share what they have learned. 


Music and Play 2
Fun Friday



Fun Fridays
Fridays 3.30-5pm at Our Lady of Lourdes 

A youth club for all primary school-aged children and their families. It takes place on the first Friday of every month (term-time) from 3:30 to 5pm in the church hall at OLOL. Games, crafts, snacks, and prizes. It is a wonderful opportunity to hang out with friends after school and enjoy seasonal themed activities. 




Youth Club! (1) (2)


Study Hub – Year 11 +
Sunday evenings 5 - 7pm at Our Lady of Lourdes 

The renovated cafe at OLOL will be open with volunteers on Sunday evenings from 5-7pm for students working towards their exams. It offers a quiet, warm distraction-free space for focused study to support wellbeing for the week ahead.  



Holy Name Youth Club 
Every other Friday at Holy Name 

A youth club aimed at ages 13 to 17, every other Friday at Holy Name in Esher.  This club offers friendship, games, food and guidance on our journey in faith.  Please see the newsletter each week for updates.  All welcome!


OLOL Youth Club 
Details to come!


Youth St Vincent de Paul
A youth club for year’s 7 & 8, working with our local St Vincent de Paul group to engage in our communities and take part in social action.  Through voluntary work, Youth SVP members not only make a difference, but learn new skills, build lasting friendships and grow in faith. 

More details to come!

Contact Details

General enquiries:

Our Lady of Lourdes
Hampton Court Way
Thames Ditton

Church of the Holy Name
42 Arbrook Lane
KT10 9EE

Parish Priest
Fr Sebastian Paul

Connect with us